The Greatest Paintings in History.
As an art aficionado, this is my list of the greatest paintings ever paintered. And I know everything so you can’t really argue with it.
Those Who Look For Beauty.
Should turtles be the definitive yardstick of beauty? I think so.
Random Voices 2: The Revenge of Random Voices.
Sometimes the voices come in the morning and try to convince me they made breakfast.
Random Voices.
They come to me at night. Constantly shouting about stuff I care little for. Why won’t they leave me alone?
Elephant Elephantiasis.
Massive elephants are destroying the world with cakey feet! What in the name of all things squidgy are we gonna do?!
A stupid joke.
Back in the good old days when footy was good.
The Coalition of Underrepresented Native Taxpayers.
Are you a C.U.N.T.? No? Would you like to be one?
Facebook Backgrounds.
I’ve got too much time on my hands haven’t I?
Lollies Vs. iPads.
Which is better? Our exhaustive review decides once and for all.