I Met A Man In A Suit.
The quest for a special kind of hat begins.
Snow Trees.
Some pictures of trees in the snow and what my warped mind thinks they are up to.
Sunset Near Leith.
What I saw at the beach one day on my way to sell a bucket of hay.
Catnip Really Matters.
My own version of Catemian Rhapsody. I don’t care that someone else did it first…Fuck You Nigel!
Men in the Bowels.
The machine must keep moving. What happens when it doesn’t?
An unlikely global conspiracy regarding flies.
Birds can be pricks too!
Cruising Altitude of Squid.
You can’t put multiple squids in a single squid canon. The resulting discharge is…….unpleasant.
Tool Boxes.
What happens when a man has more than one toolbox? Is he insane? Does he become a werenewt at the arrival of the full moon? Does he really need that many tools?
My Favourite Scissors.
The day I lost my favourite scissors and the ear bashing I received for my sins.