It’s weird how in the past, mankind spent years and gallons of blood, sweat and tears to build lasting monoliths to celebrate our exit from the primordial soup.
Or to mark the passing of a respected man from this mortal coil.
Or just because they felt like it and had a large number of slaves hanging around kicking their heels.
Thousands of years later we look at those monoliths in wonder. They stand as an important, tactile link to the past.
We can view these amazing structures and connect with our ancestors.
WE have been here for a long time.
WE have become something wonderful.
WE are all part of this story; every single one of us.
Maybe we’re the only ones here? Living alone in our tiny little corner of this vast Universe.
Which means every single person on this blue/green marble is priceless.
Sooooo important.
In a thousand years from now, people will look back and all they will see is a mountain of broken hard drives.
Their ancestor’s cultures and ways of life buried under a mountain of memes.
How many genius minds are currently working on the latest operating system for tablet computers instead of something that would actually benefit mankind?
All of them.
It saddens me that out there, somewhere, may be a prophet.
A person of such staggering clear thought and intelligence that we can barely comprehend the words.
Just a person. They don’t know they could change the world.
They post ideas on social media and the internet and every word is instantly buried under all the pointless bullshit.
And that person could have said something so amazing that it would have changed the world for everyone, forever.
But no one ever heard.
And no one ever will.
Because all that data is just data. Just zeroes and ones.
And the wheat is vastly outweighed by the chaff and no one will ever go looking.
I have no idea what my point is.