Do you yearn for freedom from a corrupt government?
Do you want to put an end to all the lies and non-truths perpetrated by the media?
Do you wish for a better country, a stronger country, released from the yoke of tyranny?
Do you desire a country run by your countrymen and not by immigrants and foreigners?
Are you one of the many millions of unheard voices who demand fairness and freedom for all our native citizens?
Do you want a revolution so you, and others like you, can run this country how it should be run?
With fairness and intelligence and a shared desire for progress, peace and prosperity?
Then join the Coalition for Underrepresented Native Taxpayers today.
The rise of the Covid 19 scamdemic has highlighted just how far the lies have gone.
People are being scared by a brutish government to limit their movements and give up their liberties in the name of a virus that does not exist.
Every day, more lies are printed by government owned media to keep us under the jackboot of oppression.
They have their own agenda and are forcing us at virtual gunpoint to comply.
Every day we lose more freedoms and we are told that we must accept it for the good of others. We are asked to fund an inept and corrupt government whose only desire is self-satisfaction.
The brave people who speak the truth and try to stop the lies are branded as idiots and maniacs while the real monsters sit in their ivory towers, supping wine brewed from the perspiration of the working classes, laughing at us.
We are the inheritors of our country.
We built this country with the sweat on our brows and the strength of our backs.
Now, the rich and powerful have usurped the power from its rightful owners and plan to turn us all into nothing but cattle.
Despite the natives of this wonderful country being told to stay in their homes, dirty foreigners are still allowed to move freely, taking our jobs, our women and our future away from us.
With your help, and a small donation to our cause, we can overturn the fascist dictatorship masquerading as our democratically elected leaders.
We can put a stop to the lies and the truth will finally be known.
Imagine how this beautiful country would be with us in charge, making the decisions for ourselves!
We can obtain this paradise. We just need to band together and unite in our common cause.
We need you!
Don’t hesitate. Join today. The sooner we have the numbers, the sooner we can topple our deceitful government and put things right.
The way they should be.
C.U.N.T.s should be in charge and a world with C.U.N.T.s making the rules would be a shining utopia!
*all speedboats will only be distributed AFTER we have taken power.