Marc Bolan of T-Rex is the perfect example of why drugs and rock and roll don’t always mix well.

Stick it all out like a turd in a cheese maze,
Stick it all out like lemon curd,
Pick it all out like the critters from the sun cream,
Stick it all out like lemon curd.
Wear a fat hat and then watch a bit of Catchphrase,
Wear a fat hat and punch a Spanish clown,
Poke a white swan and do some vomit on a bloodstain,
Cheat at ping pong, Dave, you can’t mah jong.
Key a blue car and nail your nipple to the bedhead,
Stomp a few shells and Davy, learn to sew,
Take a bath mat and sit it on a boulder,
And in the morning you’ll know all the crows.
Take a red frog and stick it in a blender,
Turn it up high and watch the juices fly,
Take all that gunge and then put it in a highball glass,
Swallow the lot and try to keep it down.
Poke a black bear with a shit caked sticky,
Laugh in his face while he does a growl,
Run around in circles gibb’ring like a monkey.
And that bear will promptly move to France.
Wobble, wobble, wobble.